Thursday, July 16, 2009

News, all good

Thing one: This morning around 6 AM, I woke from a disturbing dream and wasn't able to get back to sleep right away. I relish moments like that, moments when I have nothing to do but let my mind wander where it will, turning over rocks to see what kinds of things it will find underneath.

Well, this morning it found the resolution to Lianon and Rhianna's second black moment. The story's been stalled for a while (which was okay, since it gave me time to work on Vessel), because once the two heroines had come to realize they were in love with each other and wanted to be together, I just wasn't sure how to get them from declaration to the HEA. Theirs is a complicated story and there are just so many obstacles between them and any kind of happy future, I was stymied by the problem of removing them all.

But as I lay there this morning, a scene just came to me--not a scene between Lianon and Rhianna. One between Lianon and the Kurgan, Samulo. A sweet, sad, wrenching scene that lays Lianon's heart bare and shows her Kurgan mentor/lover for the unbearably honorable, unutterably generous man he is. It shows just how deeply and perfectly two people can love each other, even when things between them are at their ending. I cried and cried, and I'm getting a little teary even now as I write this.

So. I've revised the wordcount on my word-meter, got 1.5k written, and I know where I'm going, so finishing this thing is only a matter of getting the time to do it.

Thing two: I received my final books for Chancellor's Bride from Samhain today. That means contests which means free books for a few lucky readers. The official release is Tuesday next, and I'm starting to get really excited. So keep your eyes open in the next day or two or three for a contest post.



LVLM(Leah) said...

Kirsten, there is not one person who could accuse you of not being passionate or writing characters who feel intensely.

Wow, that's great that you had a breakthrough.

It shows just how deeply and perfectly two people can love each other, even when things between them are at their ending.

That is the story of my life with men in a nut shell. I'm so glad that someone can write two people feeling a strong love who cannot be together for some reason. It goes again the general romance trope, but is nice to read because it's real sometimes.

kirsten saell said...

Well, heh, I've also been known to cry over Futurama, so there you go. But as I was writing this afternoon I was crying, too. I'm at the second black moment now--where nothing looks like it's going to work out and the characters are about to throw in the towel.

And yeah, I was having a hard time with Samulo, because I kept thinking why on earth would she leave such a wonderful man who does it for her on so many levels? But I think that's part of what's making it so real for me, and so sad, and so difficult--part of her wants to stay with him, and part of me wants her to stay with him too. And that just makes for so much gorgeous heartbreak.

laughingwolf said...

amazing you can do that... i get an idea at night, wake up, and it's... gone

and yeah, nothing beats passion!